Magnus Lindberg
Orchestral Music

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Toimii Ensemble
Sakari Oramo, conductor
Jukka-Pekka Saraste, conductor
Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor

Finnish contemporary

Boxed set of 4 CDs; booklet with liner notes in English and Finnish
March 2011
Catalogue No.:
ODE 1110-2Q

The prolific Finn is among the doughtiest writers for large orchestra. This compilation allows one to trace a development from the madcap modernism of Kraft to the eloquent, if thwacking, concision of the two Correntes, and the ceremonious directness of Sculpture.
Paul Driver, The Sunday Times, 11 December 2011, 'Top 100 Albums of 2011'
Lindberg's kraftvolle Musik ist ein Ohrenschmaus und dürfte jeden Skeptiker von zeitgenössischer Musik überzeugen. (...) Magnus Lindberg's Orchestermusik gehört in jede Sammlung.
Alain Steffen, Pizzicato, September 2011, *****
Der 1958 geborene Finne ist einer der grössten Klang-Magier unserer Zeit. (...) Es glitzert, rauscht und leuchtet, wo man auch hinhört (...). Hier zeigt sich Lindberg als Erbe von Richard Strauss.
Burkhard Schäfer, Musik & Theater, Juli 2011
Kun kuuntelee kansion neljä levyä kronologisesti Tendenzasta (1982) Sculptureen (2005), teosjonosta tuntuu rakentuvan samanlainen laaja, täyttymystä hakeva kaari. (...) Se on vakuuttava välitilinpäätös Lindbergistä orkesterisäveltäjänä (...).
Jukka Isopuro, Helsingin Sanomat, 2.4.2011
Wer es schafft, sie ganz durchzuhören, wird durchaus reich belohnt; es eröffnet sich ein beachtlicher Reichtum an Orchesterfarben und komponierten Ereignissen - in der Orchestermusik des 1958 geborenen Finnen gibt es immer genug zu hören. (...) die Orchester, darunter immerhin das Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (...), können sich mit einer imponierenden Virtuosität und Volumenhaftigkeit präsentieren.
Michael B. Weiß, Klassik-Heute, 31.3.2011
"Magnus Lindberg is one of the most important post-1945 orchestral composers. He has managed to create a unique synthesis: a distinct, personal, approachable language combined with orchestral virtuosity in the spirit of Strauss, Ravel and Stravinsky." - Esa-Pekka Salonen
This 4-CD collector's box contains recordings of fifteen orchestral works by Grammy-nominated Magnus Lindberg. This specially priced anthology highlights the Finnish composer's oeuvre from 1982 to 2005, a period that follows the evolution of his compositional style from the early days of his career to more recent times. The featured works have helped to cement Lindberg's international position at the forefront of orchestral composition and have garnered him several important awards along the way (from the Prix Italia 1986 to the Wihuri Sibelius Prize 2003). He has been The New York Philharmonic's Composer-in-Residence since 2009.
These recordings were made between 1989 and 2008 and have been previously released by Ondine to international popular and critical acclaim. The featured artists are:
- Sakari Oramo conducting the Avanti! Chamber Orchestra (Tendenza; Corrente; Coyote Blues; Arena 2) and the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra (Gran Duo; Chorale; Concerto for Orchestra; Sculpture);
- Esa-Pekka Salonen leading the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Kraft;
- Jukka-Pekka Saraste conducting the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (Kinetics), the Avanti! Chamber Orchestra (Marea; Joy) and the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra (Corrente II; Arena; Feria).
The recordings with the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra were made by and co-produced with the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE.