
Jyväskylä Sinfonia

Jyväskylä Sinfonia was founded in 1955 and is a versatile Finnish orchestra.

In addition to its regular symphony concerts, the Jyväskylä Sinfonia has toured widely throughout Finland with such illustrious soloists as Karita Mattila, Viktoria Mullova, Yehudi Menuhin and Ruggiero Ricci. The orchestra has toured Japan 2000 and 2004, France 2003 and 2005, Spain 2005 and Poland 2004. For some years now, the Jyväskylä Sinfonia has been appearing at various summer festivals in Europe. Jyväskylä Sinfonia collaborates closely with the Jyväskylä Opera (Keski-Suomen Alueooppera).

The Orchestra's Lauluja merelle ("Songs to the Sea"), featuring soprano Karita Mattila with songs composed by Lasse Mårtenson, has sold more than 40,000 copies in Finland alone (ODE 907-2). The recording went platinum, a first both for Karita Mattila and Jyväskylä Sinfonia. The Jyväskylä Sinfonia is also featured on the première recording of Einojuhani Rautavaara's opera Aleksis Kivi (ODE 1000-2D).

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full discography

Discography (extract)

Éric Tanguy

Clarinet Concerto

Violin Concerto No. 2


Pierre Génisson, clarinet

Júlia Pusker, violin

Jyväskylä Sinfonia

Ville Matvejeff, conductor

ODE 1390-2

Released 09/2021

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Olli Virtaperko

Romer's gap


Ambrosian Delights

Perttu Kivilaakso, amplified cello

Joonatan Rautiola, baritone saxophone

Jonte Knif, knifonium

Jyväskylä Sinfonia

Ville Matvejeff, conductor

ODE 1305-2

Released 10/2017

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Finland 100

A Century of Finnish Classics

5 CD collection celebrating 100 years of Finland's independence

Orchestral Works I & II


Vocal Works

Chamber Music

Various Finnish artist, orchestras and conductors

ODE 1300-2Q


Released 11/2016

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Aulis Sallinen
Chamber Music I - VIII

Jyväskylä Sinfonia
Arto Noras, cello
Alexis Roman, alto flute
Jyväskylä sinfonia Wind Quintet
Ralf Gothoni, piano & kapellimestari
Ville Matvejeff, piano & kapellimestari
ODE 1256-2D

Released 06/2015

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