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Crusell, Du Puy, Berwald & Brendler

Bassoon Concertos

Jaakko Luoma, bassoon

Tapiola Sinfonietta

Janne Nisonen

ODE 1481-2

Released 01/2025

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Bernhard Henrik Crusell

The Last Warrior (Den siste kämpen)

Bassoon Concerto

Overture to 'The Little Slave Girl'

Jani Sunnarborg, bassoon

Frank Skog, recitation

Audi Jugendchorakademie

Helsinki Baroque Orchestra

Aapo Häkkinen

ODE 1424-2

Released 08/2023

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Johann Nepomuk Hummel

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Peter von Winter

Gioacchino Rossini

Bassoon Concertos

Jaakko Luoma, bassoon

Tapiola Sinfonietta

Janne Nisonen, concertmaster

ODE 1324-2

Released 03/2019

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Christoph Graupner
Trio Sonatas

Members of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra
Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch, viola d'amore, violin & leader
ODE 1240-2

Released 10/2014

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Christoph Graupner: Orchestral Suites

Finnish Baroque Orchestra
Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch, violin & conductor

Petra Aminoff, transverse flute
Tindaro Capuano, chalumeau
Asko Heiskanen, chalumeau*

Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch, viola d'amore
Krzysztof Stencel, baroque horn
Jani Sunnarborg, bassoon

ODE 1220-2

Released 10/2013

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Jouni Kaipainen
Symphony No. 3
Bassoon Concerto

Otto Virtanen, bassoon
Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Hannu Lintu, conductor
ODE 1089-2

Released 11/2006

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Queen of the Flowers
Works for Small Orchestra by Väinö Raitio

Tapiola Sinfonietta
Tuomas Ollila, conductor
ODE 975-2

Released 04/2003

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