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Kaija Saariaho
Works for Orchestra

Christoph Eschenbach · Hannu Lintu · Esa-Pekka Salonen · Jukka Pekka Saraste
ODE 1113-2Q (4 CD)

Released 02/2012

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Kaija Saariaho
Cinq reflets de L'Amour de loin
Nymphea Reflection
Oltra mar

Pia Freund, soprano
Gabriel Suovanen, baritone
Tapiola Chamber Choir
Finnish RSO
Jukka-Pekka Saraste, conductor
ODE 1049-2

Released 09/2004

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Kaija Saariaho
From the Grammar of Dreams

Anu Komsi, soprano
Avanti! Chamber Orchestra
Hannu Lintu, conductor
ODE 958-2

Released 09/2000

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