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Paul Hindemith

Kammermusik IV - V - VI - VII

Stephen Waarts, violin

Timothy Ridout, viola

Ziyu Shen, viola d´amore

Christian Schmitt, organ

Kronberg Academy Soloists

Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra

Christoph Eschenbach, conductor

ODE 1357-2

Released 09/2020

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Paul Hindemith:
Konzert für Violine und Orchester (1939)

Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by C.M. von Weber (1943)
Konzertmusik für Streichorchester und Blechbläser, op. 50 (1930)

Midori, violin
NDR Symphony Orchestra
Christoph Eschenbach, conductor
ODE 1214-2

Released 08/2013

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