Works Discography

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)

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10 Pieces for Piano (Zehn Klavierstücke), Op. 58
13 Pieces for Piano, Op. 76
31 Ei valtaa, kultaa, loistoa
462 Soi kunniaksi Luojan
Aamusumussa (In the Morning Mist), JS 9a
Academic March (1919)
A Cavalry Catch
Ack hör du fröken Gyllenborg (Ah! Listen, Miss Gyllenborg), JS 10
Adagio for String Quartet in D minor
Andante festivo (1922)
Arioso, Op. 3
A Spring in the Park (from Pelléas et Mélisande, Op. 46)
Aus banger Brust, Op. 50/4
Autumn Song
Bagatelles, Op. 34
Barcarole, Op. 24 No. 10
Belshazzar's Feast Suite, Op. 51
Cantata for the Conferment Ceremony of 1894
Canzonetta, Op. 62 a
Carminalia, JS 51c (1898)
Cassazione, Op. 6
Coronation Cantata (1896)
Dance of the Nymphs (from Tempest Suite No. 2, Op. 109)
Danses champêtres, Op. 106
De bägge rosorna (The Two Roses), Op. 88 No. 2
Demanten på marssön (The diamond on the March snow), Op. 36/6
Den 25 Oktober 1902 (October 25th 1902) [1], JS 60
Den 25 Oktober 1902 (October 25th 1902) [2], JS 61
Den första kyssen (The First Kiss), Op. 37/1
Den höga himlen och den vida jorden (The Lofty Heav’n), JS 58a
Det mörknar ute
Die stille Stadt, Op. 50/5
Dold förening (Hidden Connection), Op. 86 No. 3
Drömmarna (Dreams), JS 64
Duo in C major for Violin and Viola
Eight Songs, orchestrated by Aulis Sallinen
Ej med klagan (Not with Laments), JS 69
Elegie, Op. 27/1
En etsi valtaa, loistoa (We Ask for Nothing Rich or Rare), Op. 1
En Saga, Op. 9 (1892/1901)
Ensam i dunkla skogarnas famn (Alone in the Dark Forest’s Clasp), JS 72
En slända, Op. 17/5
Evening in Spring (from Suite for Violin and Strings)
Finlandia, Op. 26 (arr. for piano)
Finlandia, Op. 26/7 (1899)
Finlandia Hymn in A flat major (from Op. 26)
Finlandia Hymn in F major (from Op. 26)
Five Esquisses, Op. 114
Five Pieces, Op. 81
Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte (The Tryst), Op. 37/5
Four Pieces, Op. 78
Four Pieces, Op. 115
Fugue for Martin Wegelius
Fåfäng önskan, Op. 61/7
Fågellek, Op. 17/3
Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt
Hennes budskap (her Message), Op. 90 No. 2
Hertig Magnus, Op. 57/6
Humoresque No. 3, Op. 89a
Humoresque No. 4, Op. 89b
Hur blekt är allt (So Faded Everything Is), JS 96
Höstkväll, Op. 38/1
I Ecce novum gaudium (Behold a New Joy) , Version with harmonium
I Ecce novum gaudium (Behold a New Joy) , Version with harmonium
I Ecce novum gaudium (Behold a New Joy), Version with piano
II Angelus emittitur (An Angel is Sent Out) , Version a cappella
II Angelus emittitur (An Angel is Sent Out), Version with harmonium
II Angelus emittitur (An Angel is Sent Out), Version with piano
III In stadio laboris (In Athletic Strife) , Version a cappella
III In stadio laboris (In Athletic Strife), Version with harmonium
III In stadio laboris (In Athletic Strife), Version with piano
Illalle (To Evening), Op. 17/6
Im Feld ein Mädchen singt, Op. 50/3
Impromptu for strings (1894)
Impromptu, Op. 19
Interlude (Caliban) from The Tempest, Op. 109
Interlude (Miranda) from The Tempest, Op. 109
Intermezzo (from Karelia Suite, Op. 11)
Intrada, Op. 111a
Isänmaalle (To the Fatherland), JS 98a
Jalo toimi ja korkea tieto on vaan (Noble Deeds and Wisdom)
Jo joutuu ilta (Over Hill and Dale), Op. 1/3
Joululaulu (Nyt seimelle pienoisen lapsen)
Joululaulu [En etsi valtaa, loistoa] (A Christmas Song), Op. 1 No. 4
Joulu saapuu portin luo (Now Stands Yule at the Snowy Gate), Op. 1/1
Jubal, Op. 35/1
Juhlamarssi (Festive March), JS 105 (1894/1896)
Jägargossen (The Young Huntsman), Op. 13 No. 7
Kaiutar, Op. 72/4
Kallion kirkon kellosävel (The Bells of Kallio Church), Op. 65b
Kansakoululaisten marssi (March of the Primary School Children), JS 103
Kantat (Cantata), JS 107
Karelia Music (1893)
Karelia Overture, Op. 10
Karelia Suite, Op. 11
Kevätlaulu (Spring Song), Op. 16
Koivu (The Birch), Op. 75/4
Kolme sokeata sisarta
Kom nu hit, död, Op. 60/1
Koskenlaskijan morsiamet, Op. 33
Kotikaipaus (Homesickness), JS 111
Koulutie (The Way to School), JS 112
Kuin virta vuolas (Like a Surging Stream)
Kullervo, Op. 7
Kullervon valitus (Kullervo’s Lament)
Kuusi (The Spruce), Op. 75/5
Kyllikki, Op. 41
Kyssens hopp (The Kiss's Hope), Op. 13 No. 2
Lastu lainehilla, Op. 17/7
Lauluja sekakuorolle 1897 vuoden promootiokantaatista (Songs for Mixed Choir from the 1897 Promotion Cantata), Op. 23 (c. 1897–1898)
Lauluja sekakuorolle 1897 vuoden promootiokantaatista (Songs for Mixed Choir from the 1897 Promotion Cantata), Op. 23 (c. 1897–1898)
Laulu Lemminkäiselle (Song to Lemminkäinen), Op. 31/1
Laulu ristilukista (Fool's Song of the Cross-spider), Op. 27/4
Lemminkäinen Legends, Op. 22
Luonnotar, Op. 70
Maan virsi (Song to the Earth), Op. 95
Maj, Op. 57/4
Malinconia, Op. 20
March of the Finnish Jaeger Battalion, Op. 91a
Mazurka, Op. 81/1
Men min fågel märks dock icke, Op. 36/2
Men min fåger märks dock icke (But my Bird is Nowhere to be Seen), Op. 36 No. 2
Me nuoriso Suomen (The Journey Continues)
Min rastas raataa (Where the Thrush Toils), JS 129
Montapa elon merellä (Many Pitfalls Await us on Life’s Road)
Musette (from King Christian II, Op. 27)
Män från slätten och havet (Men from Plain and Sea), Op. 65a
Nejden andas (The Landscape Breathes), from Op. 30
Nightride and Sunrise, Op. 55
Nocturne (from King Christian II, Op. 27)
Norden, Op. 90/1
Nyt seimelle pienoisen lapsen
När sig våren åter föder (When Spring is Born Again), JS 139
Oi, kallis Suomi, äiti verraton (Precious Finland)
Oi Lempi, sun valtas ääretön on (O Love, you Genial Child of God)
Oi toivo, toivo, sa lietomieli (Hope, that State which so Consoles Me)
Oma maa (Homeland), Op. 92
On hanget korkeat nietokset (High are the Snowdrifts), Op. 1 No. 5
On hanget korkeat nietokset (The shining snows are driven high), Op. 1
On lapsonen syntynyt meille (A Child is Born Unto Us), JS 142
Pastorale (from Pélleas et Mélisande, Op. 46)
Piano Trio in C major
Pohjola's Daughter, Op. 49
Press Celebrations Music (1899)
På verandan vid havet, Op. 38/2
Quartet in C minor for piano and strings, JS 156
Rakastava (The Lover), JS 160c (1893/1898)
Rakastava (The Lover), Op. 14
Ristilukki (The Song of the Cross-spider)
Romance, Op. 42
Romance, Op. 78/2
Rondino, Op. 81/2
Rondinos, Op. 68
Saarella palaa (Fire on the Island), Op. 18 No. 4
Sippan (The Anemone), Op. 88 No. 4
Six Humoresques for violin and orchestra
Skolsång (School Song), JS 172
Snöfrid, Op. 29
Soi kiitokseksi Luojan (Let our Sweet Song of Thanks)
Soitapas sorea neito (Play Pretty Maiden), JS 176 (1893–94)
Soluppgång, Op. 37/3
Sonata in F major for violin and piano
Sonatina Op. 80
Song Cycle "Flower Songs", Op. 88
Sortunut ääni (The Voice Now Stilled), Op. 18 No. 1
Souda, souda, sinisorsa
String Quartet in A minor (original version)
String Quartet in D minor, Op. 56 "Voces Intimae"
String Trio in G minor
Suite caractéristique, Op. 100
Suite champêtre, Op. 98b
Suite for violin and orchestra, Op. 117
Suite from King Christian II, Op. 27
Suite from Pelléas et Mélisande, Op. 46
Suite in A major for string trio
Suite in E major for Violin and Piano
Suite mignonne, Op. 98a
Svarta rosor (Black Roses), Op. 36/1
Swanwhite, Suite for Orchestra, Op. 54
Sydämeni laulu (Glade of Tuoni), Op. 18 No. 6
Symphony No. 1 in E minor, Op. 39
Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 43
Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 43 (transcr. Henri Sigfridsson)
Symphony No. 3 in C major, Op. 52
Symphony No. 4 in A minor, Op. 63
Symphony No. 5 in E flat major, Op. 82
Symphony No. 5 in E flat major, Op. 82 (transcr. Karl Ekman / Henri Sigfridsson)
Symphony No. 6 in D minor, Op. 104
Symphony No. 7 in C major, Op. 105
Säv, säv, susa, Op. 36/4
S’en har jag ej frågat mera, Op. 17/1
Tanke, se hur fågeln svingar (Thought, See how the Bird Swoops), JS 191
Tapiola, Symphonic Poem for Orchestra, Op. 112
Tervehtii jo meitä
Tervehtii jo meitä (Now is Christmas Coming), Op. 1
Terve Ruhtinatar (Hail, O Princess), from Cantata JS 104
The Bard, Op. 64 (1914)
The Lover (Rakastava) for String Orchestra
The Oceanides, Op. 73
The Sun Upon the Lake is Low
The Tempest, Op. 109
The Tempest, Suite No. 1, Op. 109
The Tempest, Suite No. 2, Op. 109
The Trees, Op. 75
The Wood Nymph, Op. 15 (1895)
Three Pieces, Op. 116
Three Songs for American Schools, JS 199
Three Songs for American Schools, JS 199 (1913)
Tuule, tuuli lempeämmin (Blow Softer Now, Breeze)
Tuule, tuuli leppeämmin (Blow Softer Now, Breeze)
Tuuli tuudittele (Wind, Cosset our Boat)
Two Serenades for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 69
Työkansan marssi (The March of the Labourers), JS 212
Under strandens granar (Under the Fir Trees on the Shore), Op. 13 No.1
Under strandens granar, Op. 13/1
Uusmaalaisten laulu (The Song of the Men of Uusimaa), JS 214a
Valse triste, Op. 44 No. 1 (arr. for piano)
Valse triste, Op. 44/1
Var det en dröm (Did I Just Dream?), Op. 37/4
Venematka (The Journey by Boat), Op. 18 No. 3
Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47 (1905)
Violin Sonata in F Major, JS178
Väinön virsi (Väinö's Song), Op. 110 (1926)
Våren flyktar hastigt (Spring is flying), Op. 13/4
Water Drops for Violin and Cello
full discography

Discography (extract)

Leif Segerstam 80 Years

(Digital Album)

Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra

Turku Philharmonic Orchestra

Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra

Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra

ODE 1470-2

Released 05/2024

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Jean Sibelius

Sibelius and the Kalevala

(Digital Album)


ODE 1460-2

Released 03/2024

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Jean Sibelius

Winter with Sibelius

(Digital Album)


ODE 1450-2

Released 01/2024

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Jean Sibelius

Autumn with Sibelius

(Digital album)


ODE 1440-2

Released 10/2023

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